Soccer Concussions – Getting Back

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When to return to soccer after a concussion?

How about just returning to the game of life?

As you can imagine, many people with concussions remove themselves completely from everyday activities such as school, exercise, work, etc.

Research shows that when some symptoms last for a long period of time (longer than several months) resting for too long can be detrimental to the patient from a physical and emotional standpoint – the soccer player’s fitness level can decrease and a sense of depression and isolation can set in.

SEE MORE: Concussions Caused By Soccer

The best advice is to listen to your symptoms and deal with them appropriately.

Certainly each player is different but try to ease your way back into your normal routines if you’ve been out of commission for an extended period of time.

One Response to “Soccer Concussions – Getting Back”

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  1. ben says:

    Thanks; it took my son about two months to get back inot soccer, he was itching to go for so long but docs said no way, glad we waited.