Soccer Concussion Levels


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Grade One – relatively mild with certainly no loss of consciousness or memory and there may be a level of confusion. Symptoms usually last less than 15 minutes. Recommended return to play is anywhere between 15 minutes (first concussion sufferers) to 1 week (repeat concussions).

Grade Two – these are much more severe and ARE accompanied by confusion, memory loss that lasts from minutes to as long as hours. No loss of consciousness. If a Grade Two concussion is suspected, all activity should cease at once, the person or player should rest, and they should be observed regularly over the next few days. look for signs of swelling or contusion. Players can normally get back to playing after one week (first concussion) or as long as 2 weeks (repeat concussions).

SEE MORE: Concussions Caused By Soccer

Grade Three – the most sever of concussions. Associated with any loss of consciousness and amnesia (can last anywhere from five minutes to 24 hours!). Grade 3 concussions are very serious and, at a minimum, require immediate hospitalization, followed by a long period of rest before resuming normal activity and certainly, before returning to play. If soccer players in Grade Three return at all it’s usually anywhere from six months to a year.

Mild concussion symptoms are not to be ignored and proper treatment needs to be applied right away. Concussion treatment varies from using pain relievers for headaches to simple rest. Rest consists of both physical and mental rest. If a player jumps back in too soon before fully recovering then the next concussion with be more severe and take longer from which to recover.