Back To School After a Concussion


Perhaps it’s an old wives’ tale or just people not understanding completely but too many times I hear of kids being told to “get back as soon as you can”, “you’ll be behind in school if you don’t get back to school”, etc.

If you really understood a soccer concussion you’d begin to appreciate what has happened to the brain. None of these parents, teachers, and soccer coaches mean any harm at all it’s just they may not know the full implications and dangers of a concussion.

Here’s an excerpt from the book Concussions Caused By Soccer:

When it comes to concussion in children, the most important treatment method that will get the most results is rest. Your child has just suffered from an accident that is hard on their body and they need to recuperate. When your child is resting, his brain will begin to repair itself, but this will take quite a lot of energy. You may find that your child wants to rest for quite some time and this is completely normal. Allow your child to stay off his or her feet for a couple of days to a week and it is wise that they not return to school to soon either.

READ MORE: soccer concussions

The best course of treatment is rest which includes no TV, reading, computers, etc. Complete rest is vital and imperative.

If you send them back too soon to school they may feel just as bad or sometimes worse with the symptoms resurfacing all over again.


One Response to “Back To School After a Concussion”

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  1. Kendall says:

    Crap I could use some help as well as seems so many kids are having these concussion. Three girls on my kids team suffered and ARE suffering as we speak. The most severe had memory loss and depression!! All from soccer! Had no idea.

    I’m gonna order this soccer concussion book, hate to say I am scared I may not be taking care of my daughter as I should.
